Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Now here's a name you don't see or hear much of anymore. Gitane bikes were ridden to Tour Wins and/or World Championships by greats like Anquetil, Stablinski, Van Impe, Hinault, LeMond and Fignon. I found one (either a Grand Sport Deluxe or Tour de France model) at a flea market in Scranton, PA back as a kid and convinced my dad to buy it for $15. He rode it for quite awhile and I think it still sits somewhere back home in a shed, garage or barn. Amazing how a name like that can fall off the map into obscurity after such success. A quick run to GitaneUSA reminded me of that old bike. I guess they still exist as a company, barely.


Buzz de Cafe said...

Speaking of old school . . .

Bianchi is bringing back steel:

John P. said...

Wooohooooo! That is sweet! They'll probably charge a bomb for it. I saw Schwinn is making a special anniversary Paramount in Steel also. That's another bike I wouldn't mind having.

Gotta love bianchi's celeste green color.