David S. Butterworth
Red Rose, Inc.
This bums me out. They had what seemed like an incredible thing going on up there. I hope they can work something out, but it doesn't look good. Great Courses and Great Racing close to home.
Oh Well. If it doesn't make sense financially, they shouldn't do it. Gotta start looking for some races now to finish up my season.
UPDATE: For some reason, this issue is beginning to rub me the wrong way. Now, I know there are costs of doing business and we shouldn't do things for free, especially with the amount of time involved in running such a venture. But,... something smells fishy about this whole thing. Maybe not, but I'm disappointed they couldn't keep this thing going. If they were having problems, they should have posted something on the site, or something. There's a lot of racers in the area that counted on having such quality things going on in their backyard. Maybe more people could've "volunteered" their time? Sorta like we did with Bike Jam. I dunno, I'm just thinking out loud.
Wow. There goes my back up races right there. Too bad. I think cycling is taking a hit in the slowing economy also. The races are not filling as fast as last year for sure. Just a bummer that a promoter of a lot of races has to bow out.
With fuel costs the way they are currently, you'd think a series that has all of it's races so close together should be able to survive, even in a sluggish economy.
I'm hoping someone steps in to save at least a few of those races on their schedule. Looks doubtful though.
Btw where did you get this information.
That was an email sent directly to me from Kyle.
Yeah I went looking for it on their website. I was thinking you probably got emailed it and you did. Cool for passing the info. I was going to do Pen dutch but it looks like I will do the west chester crit.
Dude, the race series was making was canceled because butterworth is an asshole, period.
I agree with Burt.
Butternut is a tool.
Rich seemed like a good guy.
Something does smell funny.
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