Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday Ride.

I decided to head North today to find some new roads to ride. I have a feeling I'm going to be heading that way MUCH more often as the roads are fairly empty of cars, there are some short but really steep climbs that really push my heartrate up, and the scenery is beautiful. It's farm country and I find that there's always something cool to see.

Next time I head out that way I'm going to go a bit further north and east to push the mileage up and to find some more hills. My ultimate goal is to take this ride west all the way to Westminster, head south, through Liberty Road, and continue on to Demascus before circling back. I figure that's easily gotta be 85 miles.

It was nice climbing today though, warmed me up nicely with all this wind we are having. It was also nice having my Dad and Brother come to visit yesterday. First time they've been here. Both of them mentioned wanting me to move back to Pennsylvania so I could be closer to family.

Today's Ride Totals: 42 fairly fast, but hilly miles.

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