Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pedaling's Cool and All, But,...

One great thing about spending time riding with guys who have bicycles that cost more than my car is that cool stuff like the Harley Cross Bones in the pic above all of a sudden look like an incredible deal. People who know me also know that big fat Harleys aren't exactly my thing. I ride a Sportster for it's bare bones no-nonsense tooth rattling design. But ya know what, this new bike Willie G. just debuted at the Viper Room in LA hits me where I live. I'm a sucker for fat front tires, the lack of bitch seat. It just says "I ride alone" so don't effin eff with me.

Yeah yeah, purists may say it's a poser bike. It is. Factory and Custom should never be seen in the same sentence, but I don't care. I like it.

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